11 Mayıs 2009 Pazartesi

How To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally ?

(My Original Blog Post: http://www.xhumanhealth.com/1243/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-naturally/)
Acne can leave scars in our psyche and our skin. The most important reason for this treatment is to prevent scars. Monitored the treatment of acne in our skin than acne treatment is difficult and can not be said to be hundred percent results. Treatment results with the person's acne will spend the period will shorten. Because puberty usually face of this situation are in how much time passes, which would pass on is difficult to predict. Sometimes it continues for years.

Acne scar is why?

How much more depth of acne and acne scar how much greater the tendency is high. Traces can be many different sizes. In general, it is but the puff ��k�kl�k are possible. These patients should be treated urgently because the acne scars that continue to increase. Monitors the surface of the skin does not disrupt the usually red and brown are the color changes in the form of, can last for months.

When spread on the skin is acne and how to use drugs?

Light and medium violence in the treatment of acne in this type of drug use often. Treatment with antibiotics, can also be used. Drugs cream, gel, lotion, cleaning products can be shaped. Acne cream or lotion in the spread not only on acne, acne with all the region should take. Or can not prevent new acne output. Cream treatment and how to implement it is important you know how many times a day. Or you need to use some of the evening was given some cream, some cream at the same time is not used. Mild skin rash in most acne creams, and can dry. So much in amount and frequency should be. To avoid irritation in the beginning may not be every day. The patient describes this situation is not good for patients because of side effects from treatment may stop the treatment or the results will not be enough. Some whitening creams can also dark colored items. Patients do not know that many are not used clothes and sheets can become.

When oral medication is given?

Antibiotic treatment is not sufficient external treatments can be used long term. In particular, the complaint is one disorder and pubescence in female patients should be examined in terms of hormonal. Drugs such as birth control pills are used in these cases. Is a medication similar to vitamin A Retinoid treatment. Respond to other treatment methods or rapid tracer can be implemented in patients with acne.

How is a treatment Retinoid treatment?

Treatment of skin diseases specialist Retinoid only be implemented by a very effective treatment. The patient is given approval by filling out the form. During the treatment of female patients and 1 month after treatment during pregnancy should not. And monthly follow-up examination of patients with regular blood analysis will be.

How to treat acne scars?

Acne in tracking laser, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, filler materials, surgical methods can be used. The methods used will vary according to the patient.

Laser treatment is done to whom?

Laser treatment is intended primarily to eliminate traces. Studies on the use in the treatment of acne are. Acne is treated in some patients acne and redness at the skin surface monitors patients for invasive cosmetic problem continues to occur.

How is laser effects?

Laser systems are effective in some skin to soy. Skin wounds and is good for 5-10 days. May be a slight redness for a while. The laser tracking, staining, limited because of risks such as infection in patients by experienced doctors can be successfully applied.

Scarification of the laser application because of difficulty of use is very limited. The new laser systems in this regard is very advantageous. In fact, for many years in the treatment of capillary Pulse-dye laser used in the mild and medium severity of acne treatment is being used in conjunction with the rash. And I without affecting the daily life of patients with this laser very successful results I got. This laser also has effects to increase collagen production. As the puff of ��k�kl�k traces can also be useful. This laser is FDA approved using a laser range abroad too.

Pulse dye laser therapy is easy to do?

Pulse-dye laser treatment of patients effectively and safely in a short time in terms of view, a treatment which is also satisfied. The treatment process does not restrict the patient to maintain normal life. Does not affect the skin surface. Redness can take several days, may bruise. Closed off. Employment, the school may continue.

How many treatment sessions are required?

Results will begin to be taken in 3-4 weeks. In general, a few sessions is recommended. Each treatment session lasts 15-20 minutes shorter.

Treatment Is it painful?

No. May be a slight discomfort during the treatment. This is usually in the form of a rubber shock to the skin surface is a feeling.

What is wrong in Acne Treatment?

The doctor patient communication is the major shortcomings. Does not have much information about the patient's acne, the acne and the treatment intensity for patients with more information about the side effects of treatment after a while can not or does not work because they may cause to be turned. Some patients using the drugs so disorganized they can not get results.

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